Relief of sudden or chronic pain, migraines, bursitis, fibromyalgia, and arthritis.
Pain - Apply to the affected area repeatedly the first day. Most customers experience their pain going away within minutes. Reapply with the first niggle of pain, as each application makes the pain stay away longer. Relieving inflammation allows for quicker, long term healing.
Migraines - Apply to where it hurts, then apply to your sternum and shoulder blades. Many of those who experience migraines also feel tenderness or numbness at the sternum. Releasing muscle tension around the sternum and shoulder blades can significantly reduce the frequency and duration of migraines. Most customers experience their migraine relief within minutes.
Ingredients - Grapeseed oil, coconut oil, shea butter, capiscasum, cinnamon, chamomile, and sweet almond oil, with the purest essential oils of sweet birch, black pepper, peppermint, aniseed, clove, cinnamon, grapefruit, sweet orange, wintergreen, eucalyptus, marjoram, pine, and verbena.
Organic, non-GMO therapeutic grade.